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Q3 2024
Consumer Perception and Use of AI Applications
Q2 2024
EV Charging at Home: User Demand and Preferences
Q3 2024
Wearables: Advances in Health & Safety
Q2 2024
Smart Home: Integration, Automation, and Control
Q2 2024
Subscription Memberships & Bundling: Shopping, Video, Gaming, Mobile
Q1 2024
Home Energy Management: Generation, Consumption, Demand Response
Q1 2024
The Viewer Journey: Navigating Streaming Options
Q4 2023
Demand for Security Solutions: Devices, Systems, and Services
Q4 2023
Home Internet Evolution: 5G Competition and Value-Added Services
Q4 2023
Insurance Opportunities in the Smart Home
Q4 2023
Privacy and Data Protection for Connected Devices
Q3 2023
Video Services: Shifting Demand
Q3 2023
T-Commerce: Buying Through the TV
Q2 2023
Smart Home Buyer Journey
Q1 2023
Energy Management and Services in the Home
Q1 2023
Broadband: New Demands and Bundling Opportunities
Q1 2023
Smart Home Barriers: Attracting Non-users
Q1 2023
Smart Apartments: Connectivity and Services in MDUs
