Providing market intelligence for more than 35 years


Q3 2010

Industry Report

Mobile Services: Global Outlook (Second Edition)

This report analyzes the trends and changes in the global mobile market by examining carrier subscriber and operational data as well as their growth strategies. It also tracks carriers’ investment in mobile network infrastructure and analyzes their position relative to other players in the rapidly changing mobile ecosystem.


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The Bottom Line

1.0   Report Summary

1.1 Key Questions Addressed

1.2 Source of Data

1.3 Scope of Report

1.4 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms

2.0   Mobile Subscriber Growth and Trends

2.1 North America

2.2 Western Europe

2.3 Asia Pacific

2.4 Other Regions of the World

3.0   Mobile Revenue – Shifts and Trends

3.1 Mobile Voice Revenue

3.2 Mobile Data Revenue

3.3 Growing Mobile Revenues: Monetizing Mobile Data

3.4 Mobile Revenue and ARPU Growth: Global Outlook

4.0   Carrier Strategies

4.1 Network Investments: The Move to 3G and Beyond

4.2 Platform and Mobile Application Partnerships

4.3 Mobile Hardware Trends, Strategies and Distribution Models

4.4 Emerging Opportunities in Consumer Device Connectivity

5.0   Market Implications and Recommendations

United States Market Share by Carrier 2009
U.S. Prepaid Market Share 2009
Carrier Market Share Canada 2009
Western Europe Market Share by Country
Western Europe Mobile Penetration Rates
Western Europe Carrier Market Share
Western Europe Mobile Market Net Adds by Operators
Asia and the Pacific 2008 & 2009 Mobile Subscribers by Country
Japan Mobile Market Share by Carrier
Japanese Mobile Subscriber Growth by Operators
Japanese 3G Mobile Subscriber Growth by Operators
South Korea Subscriber Growth and Market Share
South Korea 3G Mobile Subscriber Growth and Penetration
China Mobile Subscriber Growth by Operators
Global Mobile Subscriber Forecast 2009-2014
North America Major Mobile Operators’ Voice Revenues and ARPU
Western European Termination rates
Western Europe Major Mobile Operators’ Voice Revenues
Smartphone Penetration by Country
Voice ARPU Trends at Major Mobile Operators in Asia and the Pacific
Mobile Data ARPU Trends
Carrier Data Monetizing Efforts
North American Mobile ARPU Growth
North American Mobile Revenue Growth
Western European Mobile ARPU Growth
Western European Mobile Revenue Growth
Asia and the Pacific ARPU Growth in Developed Markets
Asia and the Pacific ARPU Growth in Developing Markets
Asia and the Pacific Regional ARPU Growth
Asia and the Pacific Regional Revenue Growth
Asia and the Pacific Revenue Growth in Developed Markets
Asia and Pacific Revenue Growth in Developing Markets
Central Asia and the Middle East ARPU Growth
Central Asia and the Middle East Revenue Growth
Eastern Europe Mobile ARPU Growth
Eastern Europe Mobile Revenue Growth
Latin American Mobile ARPU Growth
Latin American Mobile Revenue Growth
Africa Mobile ARPU Growth
Africa Mobile Revenue Growth
Updates on 3G+ Network Deployment by Major Mobile Carriers
Carrier Infrastructure and Network Management Partners
Service Integration and Network Optimization Partnerships
Application Platform and Value Added Service Facilitation Partners
Application Store or Delivery Platform Initiative
Smartphone Shipments North America vs. Worldwide
Carrier Handset Trends and Strategies
Mobile Carrier Retail Hardware and Activation Partners
Connected Mobile Devices

© August 2010 Parks Associates

All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America. 

Parks Associates has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information in this report is correct.  We assume no responsibility for any inadvertent errors.


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