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Parks: 80% of U.S. Internet Homes Own a Network Router

About 80% of U.S. internet connected households own a network router, according to new data from Parks Associates, which cited a quarterly consumer survey of upwards of 10,000 U.S. households.

The research shows 28% of U.S. households plan to purchase a home network router or Wi-Fi extender in the next six months, up from 25% in Q3 2022. Households acquired many new laptops, desktops, and printers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increase in planned networking purchases may indicate consumers are looking for solutions that will get these devices to work better together and more efficiently, according to Parks.

Analyst Sarah Lee believes the surge in demand reflects a broader societal transition towards greater reliance on connectivity for both professional and personal use cases.

“The rise of home networking equipment has become a cornerstone in modern living, especially in light of the increasing shift towards remote work and digital lifestyles,” Lee said in a statement.

From the article, "Parks: 80% of U.S. Internet Homes Own a Network Router" by Erik Gruenwedel  

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